Played Challenges
Search and Replace 0 - 5002 entries
Replace every instance of 'aaa' with 'xaaax'.
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 13
- Position: #818 / 1629
- Number of attempts: 3
Just the middle - 11477 entries
Delete the instructions at the top and bottom.
- Best score: 7
- Best player score: 8
- Position: #1677 / 4206
- Number of attempts: 1
I forgot quotes - 16014 entries
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 20
- Position: #3585 / 4188
- Number of attempts: 1
Do you demand a shrubbery? - 1158 entries
Use :redir and crush the emacsgolfers.
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 32
- Position: #231 / 300
- Number of attempts: 1
Two become one - 713 entries
We have two c arrays and want to make one two dimensional out of it. Can we do that?
- Best score: 25
- Best player score: 35
- Position: #153 / 208
- Number of attempts: 3
Where should I put the Newline? - 881 entries
Help me put the newline.
- Best score: 7
- Best player score: 8
- Position: #275 / 437
- Number of attempts: 2
A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! - 10676 entries
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 12
- Position: #1845 / 3687
- Number of attempts: 3
quotes inside quotes - 3165 entries
taken from tip 85 of the very good book 'Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought' ! I'd be interested what people use :)
- Best score: 14
- Best player score: 24
- Position: #1042 / 1079
- Number of attempts: 1
Words in parens - 12966 entries
We should all ace this, right?
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 15
- Position: #1379 / 3968
- Number of attempts: 4
Saving the hashes(#) - 2063 entries
The following file is copied from only for learning purpose,hope the site owner doesn't mind it), its probably the easiest of challenges.Our goal is to delete every line which doesn't contain a hash signs. The remaining hash signs with numbers are then sorted to get the final output.
- Best score: 20
- Best player score: 43
- Position: #459 / 480
- Number of attempts: 1
Reformat/Refactor a Golfer Class - 7099 entries
A simple case of removing unneeded code and fixing broken indentation.
- Best score: 28
- Best player score: 42
- Position: #981 / 1741
- Number of attempts: 1