Played Challenges
Wrap the text of an email message to 79 characters - 796 entries
You're replying to an email with silly long lines. Clean them up.
- Best score: 5
- Best player score: 5
- Position: #53 / 418
- Number of attempts: 1
Search and Replace 0 - 5002 entries
Replace every instance of 'aaa' with 'xaaax'.
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 17
- Position: #1271 / 1629
- Number of attempts: 2
Case preserving word replacement - 454 entries
Half way through my project, my people turned into dogs. Now I have to change everything in my source.
- Best score: 19
- Best player score: 23
- Position: #136 / 180
- Number of attempts: 1
Sort entries based on date - 392 entries
Sort some entries in a Ledger-file based on date.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #9 / 117
- Number of attempts: 2
The holy-grail may help - 372 entries
Can you find it in less than 20 strokes, Arthur?
- Best score: 16
- Best player score: 16
- Position: #35 / 211
- Number of attempts: 4
Shebangs for all - 2016 entries
We've all seen or used a shebang once or twice. Ditch the specific paths and leave just a dynamic Ruby and Python bath behind.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 15
- Position: #254 / 518
- Number of attempts: 1
A Simple One - 1057 entries
Here is a very simple one - just to illustrate/introduce a vim feature that some people seem to miss...
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #120 / 667
- Number of attempts: 2
Reverse Simple Deletion - 854 entries
You did the simple deletion, now reverse it.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 12
- Position: #149 / 460
- Number of attempts: 2
Make Fancy Header - 1059 entries
Make the header text stand out with surrounding asterisks
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 19
- Position: #247 / 345
- Number of attempts: 6
Sort and add attributes - 1475 entries
Sort the states and add the attribute country to each record.
- Best score: 33
- Best player score: 35
- Position: #400 / 573
- Number of attempts: 3
Simple text editing with Vim - 12925 entries
Make the pairs of lines match up by making each second line same as first
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 27
- Position: #3263 / 3722
- Number of attempts: 3
Nick Klauer
Twitter: @klauern
Software Engineer at Alliant Energy. Love the Ruby, JRuby, Clojure and Alt.JVM.