Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

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$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put [challenge ID]

Played Challenges

remove lines containing the word "reader" - 3586 entries

easy stuff

  • Best score: 9
  • Best player score: 9
  • Position: #84 / 1162
  • Number of attempts: 8
Delete to the end of the current line - 812 entries

Delete to the end of the current line, but keep the character under the cursor.

  • Best score: 5
  • Best player score: 6
  • Position: #289 / 391
  • Number of attempts: 2
Words in parens - 12935 entries

We should all ace this, right?

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 36
  • Position: #3916 / 3963
  • Number of attempts: 2
Hayfay D. Audax

entered into 3 challenges

contributed 0 challenges