Played Challenges
Number Sort - 314 entries
sort the list of newline-separated numbers incrementally. Numbers are in the range 1 to 1000, with 500 missing
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #97 / 166
- Number of attempts: 1
comments galore - 1045 entries
Basic comment reformatting
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 10
- Position: #271 / 424
- Number of attempts: 2
Space out the alphabet - 1657 entries
Put 3 spaces between adjacent letters.
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #336 / 444
- Number of attempts: 2
Fix the XML - 1039 entries
The challenge consists in having a valid xml from an incomplete source.
- Best score: 18
- Best player score: 31
- Position: #258 / 290
- Number of attempts: 1
Saving the hashes(#) - 2063 entries
The following file is copied from only for learning purpose,hope the site owner doesn't mind it), its probably the easiest of challenges.Our goal is to delete every line which doesn't contain a hash signs. The remaining hash signs with numbers are then sorted to get the final output.
- Best score: 20
- Best player score: 30
- Position: #398 / 480
- Number of attempts: 1
Vertical Limit - 2540 entries
transform a succession of one word lines to a an array of strings
- Best score: 21
- Best player score: 27
- Position: #556 / 755
- Number of attempts: 1
replacing each line of a block selection - 3001 entries
replace each line's ../assets/js with /javascripts
- Best score: 18
- Best player score: 25
- Position: #548 / 778
- Number of attempts: 1
Make it more readable - 2009 entries
Insert blank lines to make it more organized and readable
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 17
- Position: #492 / 652
- Number of attempts: 1