Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

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$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put [challenge ID]

Played Challenges

Words in parens - 12935 entries

We should all ace this, right?

  • Best score: 13
  • Best player score: 15
  • Position: #1265 / 3963
  • Number of attempts: 2
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Vim - 420 entries

Someone has vandalized this text file and replaced the beginning character of one word in each line with a Big "X." Please remove the big X's, and fix each line to read "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog."

  • Best score: 8
  • Best player score: 10
  • Position: #36 / 192
  • Number of attempts: 1
Stairs Indenting - 473 entries

Indent each line with <line number> whitespaces.

  • Best score: 12
  • Best player score: 16
  • Position: #157 / 197
  • Number of attempts: 2
Vertical Limit - 2538 entries

transform a succession of one word lines to a an array of strings

  • Best score: 21
  • Best player score: 26
  • Position: #418 / 754
  • Number of attempts: 1

entered into 4 challenges

contributed 0 challenges