Played Challenges
Simple, Practical, and Common - 33703 entries
Simple things we do all the time should be able to be done with very few keystrokes, but sometimes I find something I need to do makes me go, "There MUST be a better way." This challenge is just a simple movement and entering text at a certain place.
- Best score: 22
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #257 / 7438
- Number of attempts: 7
vim = 22 / 7 - 475 entries
pi square vim
- Best score: 20
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #57 / 135
- Number of attempts: 5
Add semicolons - 10877 entries
Simply add a semicolon at the end of each line
- Best score: 10
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #1384 / 3070
- Number of attempts: 6
Wrap the text of an email message to 79 characters - 796 entries
You're replying to an email with silly long lines. Clean them up.
- Best score: 5
- Best player score: 5
- Position: #175 / 418
- Number of attempts: 4
Search and Replace 0 - 5002 entries
Replace every instance of 'aaa' with 'xaaax'.
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 13
- Position: #798 / 1629
- Number of attempts: 2
A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! - 10676 entries
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #355 / 3687
- Number of attempts: 6
quotes inside quotes - 3165 entries
taken from tip 85 of the very good book 'Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought' ! I'd be interested what people use :)
- Best score: 14
- Best player score: 14
- Position: #75 / 1079
- Number of attempts: 7
Words in parens - 12966 entries
We should all ace this, right?
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 14
- Position: #60 / 3968
- Number of attempts: 4
Delete unwanted lines - 419 entries
Delete all lines which does not end in "o.."
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #97 / 230
- Number of attempts: 2
abcd > a b c d - 295 entries
transform the single spaces into 4 spaces repeat for each line
- Best score: 15
- Best player score: 15
- Position: #83 / 225
- Number of attempts: 1
A simple change - 468 entries
Just change the numbers in the most efficient way ...
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 43
- Position: #190 / 193
- Number of attempts: 2
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Vim - 425 entries
Someone has vandalized this text file and replaced the beginning character of one word in each line with a Big "X." Please remove the big X's, and fix each line to read "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog."
- Best score: 8
- Best player score: 10
- Position: #51 / 193
- Number of attempts: 8
Let's play some Ivmgolf - 1122 entries
Oops, I spelled that wrong.
- Best score: 7
- Best player score: 10
- Position: #350 / 446
- Number of attempts: 2
Vertical Limit - 2540 entries
transform a succession of one word lines to a an array of strings
- Best score: 21
- Best player score: 26
- Position: #427 / 755
- Number of attempts: 7
Exchanging Quotes - 858 entries
Sometimes you need to exchange a choice of quotes in some code.
- Best score: 30
- Best player score: 36
- Position: #115 / 230
- Number of attempts: 5
replacing each line of a block selection - 3001 entries
replace each line's ../assets/js with /javascripts
- Best score: 18
- Best player score: 24
- Position: #508 / 778
- Number of attempts: 6
Append semicolon after expressions - 1056 entries
Some lines need the semicolon, some don't.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #61 / 419
- Number of attempts: 3
switch variable - 5079 entries
how fast can you switch two variable ?
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 11
- Position: #181 / 1749
- Number of attempts: 8
Case preserving word replacement - 454 entries
Half way through my project, my people turned into dogs. Now I have to change everything in my source.
- Best score: 19
- Best player score: 19
- Position: #54 / 180
- Number of attempts: 4
A Simple One - 1057 entries
Here is a very simple one - just to illustrate/introduce a vim feature that some people seem to miss...
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #313 / 667
- Number of attempts: 11
Reverse Simple Deletion - 854 entries
You did the simple deletion, now reverse it.
- Best score: 11
- Best player score: 12
- Position: #268 / 460
- Number of attempts: 3
The Cake is a Lie - 1359 entries
Correct the capitalization of each word
- Best score: 9
- Best player score: 9
- Position: #138 / 530
- Number of attempts: 4
Reformat some Python - 622 entries
Fix some very bizarrely laid-out code.
- Best score: 34
- Best player score: 61
- Position: #209 / 238
- Number of attempts: 1
Reverse characters in a line - 776 entries
You have everything you need, just not in the right order. Mastermind would give you 26 white pegs.
- Best score: 12
- Best player score: 18
- Position: #192 / 267
- Number of attempts: 1
Change the content of a string - 1591 entries
This docstring is a complete lie. Fix it.
- Best score: 22
- Best player score: 22
- Position: #103 / 593
- Number of attempts: 7
Sort and add attributes - 1475 entries
Sort the states and add the attribute country to each record.
- Best score: 33
- Best player score: 33
- Position: #145 / 573
- Number of attempts: 6
Braces or Brackets? - 1043 entries
Someone forgot whether to use braces or brackets and you have to clean up their code!
- Best score: 34
- Best player score: 41
- Position: #111 / 322
- Number of attempts: 2
Simple text editing with Vim - 12929 entries
Make the pairs of lines match up by making each second line same as first
- Best score: 13
- Best player score: 13
- Position: #274 / 3723
- Number of attempts: 18
Reformat/Refactor a Golfer Class - 7095 entries
A simple case of removing unneeded code and fixing broken indentation.
- Best score: 28
- Best player score: 44
- Position: #1105 / 1740
- Number of attempts: 4