Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

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$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 4d1a4d82a860b7447200008d

Whitespace, empty lines and tabs

Convert tabs to spaces, strip empty lines and trailing whitespace.

Start file
	convert tabs to spaces

		strip all blank lines 

	and remove any trailing spaces   
End file
  convert tabs to spaces
    strip all blank lines
  and remove any trailing spaces

View Diff

< 	convert tabs to spaces
< 		strip all blank lines 
< 	and remove any trailing spaces   
>   convert tabs to spaces
>     strip all blank lines
>   and remove any trailing spaces

Solutions by @LeviWhe68726437:

Unlock 8 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @igrigorik

800 active golfers, 3724 entries

Solutions by @LeviWhe68726437:
#25 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:43PM

#>151 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:39PM

#>184 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:38PM

#>214 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:36PM

#>223 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:34PM

#>241 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:31PM

#>329 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 05:20PM

#>387 - Levi Wheeler / @LeviWhe68726437

06/16/2022 at 04:57PM