Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

Changelog, Rules & FAQ, updates: @vimgolf, RSS.

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$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 4d23054b7f75b01e0700014a

It'ss tooo coold too typpe todaay

My hands are numb with cold. It's hard to type correctly.

Start file
VIM IS... MULTI PLATFORM                                *design-multi-platform*

Vim tries to heelp as manny ussers onn as mmany platfoorms as posssible.
- Support many kinds of terminals.  The minimal demands are cursor positioning
and clear-screen.  Commands should only use key strokes that most keyboards
.  Suppport alll teh keyys on hte keybooard forr mappping.
- Support many platforms.  A condition is that there is someone willing to do
Vim development on that platform, and it doesn't mean messing up the code.
- Support many compilers and libraries.  Not everybody is able or allowed to
  installl anotherr compiller or GUI libraryy.
- Peeople switch from one plattform to another, andd from GUI to terminal
  version.  Features should be present in all versions, or at least in as many
  as posssible with a reasonable effort.  Try to avoid that users must switch
  betweeen platforms to acccomplish theirr workk effficiently.
- That a feature is not posssible on some platforms, or only posssible on one
  platform, does not mean it cannnot be implemented.  [This intentionallly
  contradicts teh previous item, these two must be balanced.]
End file
VIM IS... MULTI PLATFORM                                *design-multi-platform*

Vim tries to help as many users on as many platforms as possible.
- Support many kinds of terminals.  The minimal demands are cursor positioning
and clear-screen.  Commands should only use key strokes that most keyboards
.  Support all the keys on the keyboard for mapping.
- Support many platforms.  A condition is that there is someone willing to do
Vim development on that platform, and it doesn't mean messing up the code.
- Support many compilers and libraries.  Not everybody is able or allowed to
  install another compiler or GUI library.
- People switch from one platform to another, and from GUI to terminal
  version.  Features should be present in all versions, or at least in as many
  as possible with a reasonable effort.  Try to avoid that users must switch
  between platforms to accomplish their work efficiently.
- That a feature is not possible on some platforms, or only possible on one
  platform, does not mean it cannot be implemented.  [This intentionally
  contradicts the previous item, these two must be balanced.]

View Diff

< Vim tries to heelp as manny ussers onn as mmany platfoorms as posssible.
> Vim tries to help as many users on as many platforms as possible.
<   have.  Suppport alll teh keyys on hte keybooard forr mappping.
>   have.  Support all the keys on the keyboard for mapping.
<   installl anotherr compiller or GUI libraryy.
< - Peeople switch from one plattform to another, andd from GUI to terminal
>   install another compiler or GUI library.
> - People switch from one platform to another, and from GUI to terminal
<   as posssible with a reasonable effort.  Try to avoid that users must switch
<   betweeen platforms to acccomplish theirr workk effficiently.
< - That a feature is not posssible on some platforms, or only posssible on one
<   platform, does not mean it cannnot be implemented.  [This intentionallly
<   contradicts teh previous item, these two must be balanced.]
>   as possible with a reasonable effort.  Try to avoid that users must switch
>   between platforms to accomplish their work efficiently.
> - That a feature is not possible on some platforms, or only possible on one
>   platform, does not mean it cannot be implemented.  [This intentionally
>   contradicts the previous item, these two must be balanced.]


The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!

Check out these helpful resources to improve your Vim skills... Game on.

Unlock 97 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
#98 Robert Argeanton / @argeanton - Score: 36 - 07/09/11 @ 00:51
:se spell<CR>qq<BS><BS><BS><BS><BS><BS><CR>qq]s1z=q99@qZZ


Created by: @kana1

98 active golfers, 224 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#31 - Brad / @bjjwillis

01/05/2011 at 09:07AM

#32 - drio / @drio

01/16/2011 at 10:46PM

#33 - Mathias Bynens  / @mathias

04/08/2011 at 09:31AM

#34 - Jesús Espino / @jespinog

09/06/2011 at 10:41PM

#35 - pyrhho / @pyrhho

09/27/2011 at 11:05PM

#36 - William Dunand / @wdunand

11/17/2011 at 02:41AM

#37 - Adrien Friggeri / @qelf

02/25/2012 at 05:42AM

#38 - Joonas Pihlajamaa / @jokkebk

03/03/2014 at 01:49PM

#39 - Mark Smith-Guerrero / @msmithgu

01/04/2011 at 07:54PM

#40 - russellzhaomao / @russellzhaomao

05/31/2022 at 08:14AM

#41 - Avinash Baliga / @avinashbaliga

03/28/2011 at 03:58AM

#42 - Simon Ingelsson / @_DeVVaN_

09/18/2018 at 08:10AM

#43 - Andy Tockman / @atckmn

07/16/2022 at 04:02AM

#44 - Pete Johns / @johnsyweb

01/04/2011 at 11:45AM

#45 - James Cash / @jamesnvc

01/04/2011 at 01:43PM

#46 - Glenn / @spamcow_moo

01/04/2011 at 04:28PM

#47 - Mattiassich Ákos / @mattiassicha

01/04/2011 at 07:07PM

#48 - Aurélien Delahaye / @alkove

01/04/2011 at 11:17PM

#49 - Victor Vaile / @victorv4_

01/05/2011 at 06:07AM

#50 - Remigijus (ReekenX) / @reekenx

01/05/2011 at 11:53AM

#51 - Jan B. / @bracki

01/06/2011 at 01:20PM

#52 - h_east (トロッコ6個) / @h_east

01/06/2011 at 06:21PM

#53 - Douglas Stockwell / @dstockwell

01/08/2011 at 06:10AM

#54 -  Ikhsan Maulana / @ixandidu

01/15/2011 at 07:05AM

#55 - Thom Hughes / @thom_hughes_1

04/05/2011 at 01:13AM

#56 - Dragan Cvetinovic / @kawkafi

05/07/2011 at 11:13AM

#57 - Bryan Kendall / @bkendall

06/06/2011 at 08:22PM

#58 - Stuart Gale / @bishboria

06/19/2011 at 12:00AM

#59 - Junfeng / @junfeng

07/29/2011 at 12:01PM

#60 - Rik Lomas / @riklomas

12/29/2011 at 07:25PM