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Word Blender

The insides of long words seem to have been run through the blender. Can you fix this famous tale, brave knight?

Start file

IT was in Wciwrak Cltsae taht I cmae asorcs the
cuoirus segnartr wohm I am gniog to tlak auobt.
He aetcarttd me by terhe tgnihs: his cidnad sticilpmiy,
his muolevras ftirailimay wtih aneicnt aomrr, and the
rsenluftses of his cnapmoy -- for he did all the tniklag.
We flel tehtegor, as msedot plpoee wlil, in the tial of
the hred taht was bnieg swohn tguorhh, and he at ocne
bagen to say tgnihs wcihh ietseretnd me. As he
teklad anolg, sltfoy, pltnasaely, flgniwoly, he semeed
to dfirt aawy ilbitpecrepmy out of tihs wlrod and tmie,
and itno smoe rtomee era and old fettogron crtnuoy;
and so he gllaudary wvoe scuh a slepl auobt me taht I
semeed to mvoe anomg the sretceps and swodahs and
dsut and mlod of a gary atiuqitny, hnidlog sceeph wtih
a rilec of it! Eltcaxy as I wluod saepk of my nseraet
panosrel fdneirs or eeimens, or my msot failimar
nrobhgies, he skope of Sir Brevidee, Sir Bros de
Ginas, Sir Lolecnuat of the Lkae, Sir Gahalad, and all
the oehtr gaert nemas of the Tlbae Rnuod -- and how
old, old, ulbakaepsny old and fedad and dry and
mtsuy and aneicnt he cmae to look as he wnet on!
Pltnesery he tenrud to me and siad, jsut as one mhgit
saepk of the wehtaer, or any oehtr common mettar.
End file

IT was in Warwick Castle that I came across the
curious stranger whom I am going to talk about.
He attracted me by three things: his candid simplicity,
his marvelous familiarity with ancient armor, and the
restfulness of his company -- for he did all the talking.
We fell together, as modest people will, in the tail of
the herd that was being shown through, and he at once
began to say things which interested me. As he
talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed
to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time,
and into some remote era and old forgotten country;
and so he gradually wove such a spell about me that I
seemed to move among the specters and shadows and
dust and mold of a gray antiquity, holding speech with
a relic of it! Exactly as I would speak of my nearest
personal friends or enemies, or my most familiar
neighbors, he spoke of Sir Bedivere, Sir Bors de
Ganis, Sir Launcelot of the Lake, Sir Galahad, and all
the other great names of the Table Round -- and how
old, old, unspeakably old and faded and dry and
musty and ancient he came to look as he went on!
Presently he turned to me and said, just as one might
speak of the weather, or any other common matter.

View Diff

<                     AUHTRR'S CRUOT
>                     ARTHUR'
< IT was in Wciwrak Cltsae taht I cmae asorcs the
< cuoirus segnartr wohm I am gniog to tlak auobt.
< He aetcarttd me by terhe tgnihs: his cidnad sticilpmiy,
< his muolevras ftirailimay wtih aneicnt aomrr, and the
< rsenluftses of his cnapmoy -- for he did all the tniklag.
< We flel tehtegor, as msedot plpoee wlil, in the tial of
< the hred taht was bnieg swohn tguorhh, and he at ocne
< bagen to say tgnihs wcihh ietseretnd me. As he
< teklad anolg, sltfoy, pltnasaely, flgniwoly, he semeed
< to dfirt aawy ilbitpecrepmy out of tihs wlrod and tmie,
< and itno smoe rtomee era and old fettogron crtnuoy;
< and so he gllaudary wvoe scuh a slepl auobt me taht I
< semeed to mvoe anomg the sretceps and swodahs and
< dsut and mlod of a gary atiuqitny, hnidlog sceeph wtih
< a rilec of it! Eltcaxy as I wluod saepk of my nseraet
< panosrel fdneirs or eeimens, or my msot failimar
< nrobhgies, he skope of Sir Brevidee, Sir Bros de
< Ginas, Sir Lolecnuat of the Lkae, Sir Gahalad, and all
< the oehtr gaert nemas of the Tlbae Rnuod -- and how
< old, old, ulbakaepsny old and fedad and dry and
< mtsuy and aneicnt he cmae to look as he wnet on!
< Pltnesery he tenrud to me and siad, jsut as one mhgit
< saepk of the wehtaer, or any oehtr common mettar.
> IT was in Warwick Castle that I came across the
> curious stranger whom I am going to talk about.
> He attracted me by three things: his candid simplicity,
> his marvelous familiarity with ancient armor, and the
> restfulness of his company -- for he did all the talking.
> We fell together, as modest people will, in the tail of
> the herd that was being shown through, and he at once
> began to say things which interested me. As he
> talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed
> to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time,
> and into some remote era and old forgotten country;
> and so he gradually wove such a spell about me that I
> seemed to move among the specters and shadows and
> dust and mold of a gray antiquity, holding speech with
> a relic of it! Exactly as I would speak of my nearest
> personal friends or enemies, or my most familiar
> neighbors, he spoke of Sir Bedivere, Sir Bors de
> Ganis, Sir Launcelot of the Lake, Sir Galahad, and all
> the other great names of the Table Round -- and how
> old, old, unspeakably old and faded and dry and
> musty and ancient he came to look as he went on!
> Presently he turned to me and said, just as one might
> speak of the weather, or any other common matter.

Solutions by @Korvin79:

Unlock 2 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @gumnos

57 active golfers, 148 entries

Solutions by @Korvin79:
#16 - Renat Aksitov / @Korvin79

02/18/2012 at 11:19AM

#>25 - Renat Aksitov / @Korvin79

02/18/2012 at 11:12AM