Reformat long lines
Rearrange this ruby method call to put each parameter on its own line. Could become a useful macro.
Start file
def default_i18n_subject mailer_scope = self.class.mailer_name.gsub('/', '.') I18n.t(:subject, :scope => [mailer_scope, action_name], :default => action_name.humanize) end
End file
def default_i18n_subject mailer_scope = self.class.mailer_name.gsub('/', '.') I18n.t(:subject, :scope => [mailer_scope, action_name], :default => action_name.humanize) end
View Diff
3c3,5 < I18n.t(:subject, :scope => [mailer_scope, action_name], :default => action_name.humanize) --- > I18n.t(:subject, > :scope => [mailer_scope, action_name], > :default => action_name.humanize)
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