Assignment Alignment
line up the operators. Use spaces, not tabs.
Start file
# Align these assignments x = 1 y = true z = 'you' foo = 'bar' long_name = "long variable value" $p3cial = ch4rs last = line # Much better!
End file
# Align these assignments x = 1 y = true z = 'you' foo = 'bar' long_name = "long variable value" $p3cial = ch4rs last = line # Much better!
View Diff
3,6c3,6 < x = 1 < y = true < z = 'you' < foo = 'bar' --- > x = 1 > y = true > z = 'you' > foo = 'bar' 8,9c8,9 < $p3cial = ch4rs < last = line --- > $p3cial = ch4rs > last = line
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