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expand a list comprehension (python)

Please show your way to convert a list comprehension in python to an ordinary for-loop expression!

Start file
print [x**2 for x in xrange(10)]
End file
tmp = []
for x in xrange(10):
print tmp

View Diff

< print [x**2 for x in xrange(10)]
> tmp = []
> for x in xrange(10):
>     tmp.append(x**2)
> print tmp

Solutions by @Korvin79:

Unlock 3 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @vimgolfer

110 active golfers, 334 entries

Solutions by @Korvin79:
#33 - Renat Aksitov / @Korvin79

02/26/2012 at 06:30PM

#>49 - Renat Aksitov / @Korvin79

02/26/2012 at 06:25PM

#>55 - Renat Aksitov / @Korvin79

01/29/2012 at 06:10PM