Enharmonic Equivalents
Transform # and b to digraphs
Start file
Enharmonic Equivalents C# = Db D# = Eb F# = Gb G# = Ab A# = Bb
End file
Enharmonic Equivalents C♯ = D♭ D♯ = E♭ F♯ = G♭ G♯ = A♭ A♯ = B♭
View Diff
[1;33mdiff --git a/input.txt b/output.txt[m [1;33mindex 6e3429b..52b2969 100644[m [1;33m--- a/input.txt[m [1;33m+++ b/output.txt[m [1;35m@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@[m Enharmonic Equivalents[m [1;31mC#[m[1;32mC♯[m = [1;31mDb[m [1;31mD#[m[1;32mD♭[m [1;32mD♯[m = [1;31mEb[m [1;31mF#[m[1;32mE♭[m [1;32mF♯[m = [1;31mGb[m [1;31mG#[m[1;32mG♭[m [1;32mG♯[m = [1;31mAb[m [1;31mA#[m[1;32mA♭[m [1;32mA♯[m = [1;31mBb[m[1;32mB♭[m
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