Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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Python to Ruby

Convert this Python code to Ruby. NOTE: This program likely won't run.

Start file
class PythonToRuby:
  def add(x, y):
    x + y

  n = add(1 + 1)
End file
class PythonToRuby
	def add(x, y)
		x + y

	n = add(1, 2)

View Diff

< class PythonToRuby:
<   def add(x, y):
<     x + y
> class PythonToRuby
> 	def add(x, y)
> 		x + y
> 	end
<   n = add(1 + 1)
> 	n = add(1, 2)
> end

Solutions by @bernardoodoo:

Unlock 1 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @dynamic_library

61 active golfers, 204 entries

Solutions by @bernardoodoo:
#61 - Brandon Lee / @bernardoodoo

10/24/2012 at 02:11PM