Let's play some Ivmgolf
Oops, I spelled that wrong.
Start file
Ivm is an awesome text editor based on Iv, and is used to play a game called Ivmgolf. A challenge, simple for many Ivmgolfers, can still hide secrets.
End file
Vim is an awesome text editor based on Vi, and is used to play a game called Vimgolf. A challenge, simple for many Vimgolfers, can still hide secrets.
View Diff
1,4c1,4 < Ivm is an awesome text editor based on < Iv, and is used to play a game called < Ivmgolf. A challenge, simple for many < Ivmgolfers, can still hide secrets. --- > Vim is an awesome text editor based on > Vi, and is used to play a game called > Vimgolf. A challenge, simple for many > Vimgolfers, can still hide secrets.
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