Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

Changelog, Rules & FAQ, updates: @vimgolf, RSS.

Your VimGolf key: please sign in

$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 5100ce70326e09000200004a

Saving the hashes(#)

The following file is copied from only for learning purpose,hope the site owner doesn't mind it), its probably the easiest of challenges.Our goal is to delete every line which doesn't contain a hash signs. The remaining hash signs with numbers are then sorted to get the final output.

Start file
January 2013
#40 Long-range line duplication (6:31)
December 2012
#39 Profiling Vimscript performance (8:09)
November 2012
#38 Writing a custom fold expression (12:07) #37 How to fold (8:49)
August 2012
#36 VimGolf - Prime Numbers (6:53)
May 2011
#35 Fugitive.vim - exploring the history of a git repository (10:04) #34 Fugitive.vim - browsing the git object database (9:45) #33 Fugitive.vim - resolving merge conflicts with vimdiff (11:35)
April 2011
#32 Fugitive.vim - working with the git index (11:41) #31 Fugitive.vim - a complement to command line git (8:27)
February 2011
#30 Undo branching and Gundo.vim (6:30)
January 2011
#29 Aligning text with Tabular.vim (5:11)
November 2010
#28 Refining search patterns with the command-line window (7:51)
October 2010
#27 Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen (9:24) #26 Bubbling text (6:23)
September 2010
#25 Creating colorschemes for Vim (9:44)
July 2010
#24 Updating your vimrc file on the fly (2:51) #23 Converting HAML to ERB with Vim macros (7:36)
June 2010
#22 Selecting columns with visual block mode (4:21) #21 Converting markdown to structured HTML with a macro (9:25)
May 2010
#20 Running Vim within IRB (4:35) #19 Spell checking (5:42) #18 Formatting text with par (5:12)
April 2010
#17 Hard wrapping text (5:23) #16 Soft wrapping text (4:54) #15 The file explorer (5:36) #14 The :edit command (3:50) #13 Cleaning up with Vim (0:36)
March 2010
#12 Modal editing: undo, redo and repeat (5:26) #11 Using the changelist and jumplist (3:21) #10 Creating the Vimcasts logo as ASCII art (5:47) #9 How to use tabs (5:28)
February 2010
#8 Working with tabs (3:17) #7 Working with windows (5:32) #6 Working with buffers (3:28) #5 Indentation commands (5:41)
January 2010
#4 Tidying whitespace (4:33) #3 Whitespace preferences and filetypes (3:29) #2 Tabs and Spaces (6:22) #1 Show invisibles (2:52)
End file
#1 Show invisibles (2:52) 
#2 Tabs and Spaces (6:22)
#3 Whitespace preferences and filetypes (3:29)
#4 Tidying whitespace (4:33)
#5 Indentation commands (5:41)
#6 Working with buffers (3:28)
#7 Working with windows (5:32)
#8 Working with tabs (3:17)
#9 How to use tabs (5:28)
#10 Creating the Vimcasts logo as ASCII art (5:47)
#11 Using the changelist and jumplist (3:21)
#12 Modal editing: undo, redo and repeat (5:26)
#13 Cleaning up with Vim (0:36)
#14 The :edit command (3:50)
#15 The file explorer (5:36)
#16 Soft wrapping text (4:54)
#17 Hard wrapping text (5:23)
#18 Formatting text with par (5:12)
#19 Spell checking (5:42)
#20 Running Vim within IRB (4:35)
#21 Converting markdown to structured HTML with a macro (9:25)
#22 Selecting columns with visual block mode (4:21)
#23 Converting HAML to ERB with Vim macros (7:36)
#24 Updating your vimrc file on the fly (2:51)
#25 Creating colorschemes for Vim (9:44)
#26 Bubbling text (6:23)
#27 Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen (9:24)
#28 Refining search patterns with the command-line window (7:51)
#29 Aligning text with Tabular.vim (5:11)
#30 Undo branching and Gundo.vim (6:30)
#31 Fugitive.vim - a complement to command line git (8:27)
#32 Fugitive.vim - working with the git index (11:41)
#33 Fugitive.vim - resolving merge conflicts with vimdiff (11:35)
#34 Fugitive.vim - browsing the git object database (9:45)
#35 Fugitive.vim - exploring the history of a git repository (10:04)
#36 VimGolf - Prime Numbers (6:53)
#37 How to fold (8:49)
#38 Writing a custom fold expression (12:07)
#39 Profiling Vimscript performance (8:09)
#40 Long-range line duplication (6:31)

View Diff

< January 2013
< #40 Long-range line duplication (6:31)
< December 2012
< #39 Profiling Vimscript performance (8:09)
< November 2012
< #38 Writing a custom fold expression (12:07) #37 How to fold (8:49)
< August 2012
< #36 VimGolf - Prime Numbers (6:53)
< May 2011
< #35 Fugitive.vim - exploring the history of a git repository (10:04) #34 Fugitive.vim - browsing the git object database (9:45) #33 Fugitive.vim - resolving merge conflicts with vimdiff (11:35)
< April 2011
< #32 Fugitive.vim - working with the git index (11:41) #31 Fugitive.vim - a complement to command line git (8:27)
< February 2011
< #30 Undo branching and Gundo.vim (6:30)
< January 2011
< #29 Aligning text with Tabular.vim (5:11)
< November 2010
< #28 Refining search patterns with the command-line window (7:51)
< October 2010
< #27 Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen (9:24) #26 Bubbling text (6:23)
< September 2010
> #1 Show invisibles (2:52)
> #2 Tabs and Spaces (6:22)
> #3 Whitespace preferences and filetypes (3:29)
> #4 Tidying whitespace (4:33)
> #5 Indentation commands (5:41)
> #6 Working with buffers (3:28)
> #7 Working with windows (5:32)
> #8 Working with tabs (3:17)
> #9 How to use tabs (5:28)
> #10 Creating the Vimcasts logo as ASCII art (5:47)
> #11 Using the changelist and jumplist (3:21)
> #12 Modal editing: undo, redo and repeat (5:26)
> #13 Cleaning up with Vim (0:36)
> #14 The :edit command (3:50)
> #15 The file explorer (5:36)
> #16 Soft wrapping text (4:54)
> #17 Hard wrapping text (5:23)
> #18 Formatting text with par (5:12)
> #19 Spell checking (5:42)
> #20 Running Vim within IRB (4:35)
> #21 Converting markdown to structured HTML with a macro (9:25)
> #22 Selecting columns with visual block mode (4:21)
> #23 Converting HAML to ERB with Vim macros (7:36)
> #24 Updating your vimrc file on the fly (2:51)
< July 2010
< #24 Updating your vimrc file on the fly (2:51) #23 Converting HAML to ERB with Vim macros (7:36)
< June 2010
< #22 Selecting columns with visual block mode (4:21) #21 Converting markdown to structured HTML with a macro (9:25)
< May 2010
< #20 Running Vim within IRB (4:35) #19 Spell checking (5:42) #18 Formatting text with par (5:12)
< April 2010
< #17 Hard wrapping text (5:23) #16 Soft wrapping text (4:54) #15 The file explorer (5:36) #14 The :edit command (3:50) #13 Cleaning up with Vim (0:36)
< March 2010
< #12 Modal editing: undo, redo and repeat (5:26) #11 Using the changelist and jumplist (3:21) #10 Creating the Vimcasts logo as ASCII art (5:47) #9 How to use tabs (5:28)
< February 2010
< #8 Working with tabs (3:17) #7 Working with windows (5:32) #6 Working with buffers (3:28) #5 Indentation commands (5:41)
< January 2010
< #4 Tidying whitespace (4:33) #3 Whitespace preferences and filetypes (3:29) #2 Tabs and Spaces (6:22) #1 Show invisibles (2:52)
> #26 Bubbling text (6:23)
> #27 Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen (9:24)
> #28 Refining search patterns with the command-line window (7:51)
> #29 Aligning text with Tabular.vim (5:11)
> #30 Undo branching and Gundo.vim (6:30)
> #31 Fugitive.vim - a complement to command line git (8:27)
> #32 Fugitive.vim - working with the git index (11:41)
> #33 Fugitive.vim - resolving merge conflicts with vimdiff (11:35)
> #34 Fugitive.vim - browsing the git object database (9:45)
> #35 Fugitive.vim - exploring the history of a git repository (10:04)
> #36 VimGolf - Prime Numbers (6:53)
> #37 How to fold (8:49)
> #38 Writing a custom fold expression (12:07)
> #39 Profiling Vimscript performance (8:09)
> #40 Long-range line duplication (6:31)


The best way to learn is to practice. Below, you will find some of the solutions other golfers have entered. To unlock higher ranked solutions, submit your own entry which does as well or better than the solutions you can currently see - climb the ladder!

Check out these helpful resources to improve your Vim skills... Game on.

Unlock 479 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
#480 harry 🏳️‍🌈 / @hdgarrood - Score: 106 - 02/10/13 @ 20:29
:v/#/d<CR>:%s/ #/\r#g<BS>/g<CR>:%sort<CR>/#2<CR>Dggpuo<Esc>p13jkkdd/wh<CR>Duddggjp/whi<CR>ddunnggddunnddgjjggjjp36jVkkkkdggjjjp:wq<CR>


Created by: @pradeep6kumar

480 active golfers, 2063 entries

Leaderboard (lowest score wins):
#361 - Christopher Harrison / @Xophmeister

01/26/2013 at 07:08PM

#362 - Milton Soares Filho / @miltonsoaresf

01/29/2013 at 08:29PM

#363 - Lari / @larifariman

02/07/2013 at 10:46PM

#364 - Eric Weikl / @ericweikl

03/08/2013 at 03:58PM

#365 - Mac Heller-Ogden / @twosoul

05/18/2013 at 09:42PM

#366 - lubyk / @lubyk_

05/20/2013 at 05:04PM

#367 - curist / @curist

07/08/2013 at 10:25AM

#368 - Shane Delmore / @ShaneDelmore

07/19/2013 at 04:13AM

#369 - cj / @cj01101

08/04/2013 at 04:28AM

#370 - Bart of Denver / @bartofdenver

08/12/2013 at 01:51PM

#371 - Dom Armstrong / @dom_cycleface

08/20/2013 at 12:43PM

#372 - Sheng / @shenghis

08/26/2013 at 06:38AM

#373 - Pierre Bousquie / @pierrebousquie

09/24/2013 at 12:32PM

#374 - Jaime sánchez / @jashbeta

09/28/2013 at 11:59PM

#375 - aRkadeFR / @aRkadeFR

10/03/2013 at 07:11AM

#376 - Petr Broz / @ipetrbroz

12/17/2013 at 11:06PM

#377 - Brian Peiris / @brianpeiris

12/28/2013 at 05:32AM

#378 - a / @asdfsdafdsfdsaf

01/07/2014 at 02:45AM

#379 - João Paiva / @jgpaiva

01/29/2014 at 07:25PM

#380 - Sebastián Lara M. / @slaramen

02/27/2014 at 08:09PM

#381 - ren / @wxoc

03/10/2014 at 10:23AM

#382 - Robert Siemieniec / @rsiemieniec

03/12/2014 at 01:40PM

#383 - Jacob / @jayekub

03/22/2014 at 11:23PM

#384 - Bart / @oneofmanybarts

04/07/2014 at 07:52AM

#385 - Solar Powered Robot / @moskrin

05/01/2014 at 01:09PM

#386 - Kristian Jagd / @Jagdos

09/12/2014 at 07:23AM

#387 - eBrnd / @eBrnd

11/02/2014 at 05:59PM

#388 - Jake Eaton / @Jake__Eaton

02/28/2015 at 07:20AM

#389 - Tom van der Lee / @TomVdLee

05/15/2015 at 11:51AM

#390 - luffy / @raxcoi

06/09/2015 at 09:01PM