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Hanging Indent for Footnotes

Format this footnote (in kramdown syntax) so that it has hanging indent.

Start file
[^1]: Term regarding a generally obsolete type of website back when websites
focused less on interactive features and more just on text.

[^5]: Eroge company. Feel free to Google if you want, but beware of NSFW.

[^8]: Kuroneko says that he confessed his love, but never really specifies who
he confessed his love about (an ambiguity that is much more pronounced in
Japanese than in English). A more literal interpretation of her statement might
be “He made a statement of love to me.”

[^10]: This was literally “homoge.” I could have translated it to yaoi or BL,
but this way of saying it carries a slightly more negative connotation.

End file
[^1]: Term regarding a generally obsolete type of website back when websites
      focused less on interactive features and more just on text.

[^5]: Eroge company. Feel free to Google if you want, but beware of NSFW.

[^8]: Kuroneko says that he confessed his love, but never really specifies who
      he confessed his love about (an ambiguity that is much more pronounced in
      Japanese than in English). A more literal interpretation of her statement
      might be “He made a statement of love to me.”

[^10]: This was literally “homoge.” I could have translated it to yaoi or BL,
       but this way of saying it carries a slightly more negative connotation.

View Diff

< focused less on interactive features and more just on text.
>       focused less on interactive features and more just on text.
< he confessed his love about (an ambiguity that is much more pronounced in
< Japanese than in English). A more literal interpretation of her statement might
< be “He made a statement of love to me.”
>       he confessed his love about (an ambiguity that is much more pronounced in
>       Japanese than in English). A more literal interpretation of her statement
>       might be “He made a statement of love to me.”
< but this way of saying it carries a slightly more negative connotation.
>        but this way of saying it carries a slightly more negative connotation.

Solutions by @fl_Overmind:

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Created by: @aditcr8

30 active golfers, 72 entries

Solutions by @fl_Overmind:
#28 - Roland Schatz / @fl_Overmind

07/15/2013 at 02:44PM