Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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NBCU Weekly Challenge - #0

One of our favorites lines here at NBCU! p.s. The first version of #0 was deleted due to me copy/pasting a HTML entity. Congrats to the one who figured that out, you are a true ninja warrior!

Start file
Mosst importantly, where making the world an better place through constructing elegant heirarchies for mimimun code reuse and extensibility?
End file
Most importantly, we're making the world a better place through constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility.

View Diff

< Mosst importantly, where making the world an better place through constructing elegant heirarchies for mimimun code reuse and extensibility?
> Most importantly, we're making the world a better place through constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility.

Solutions by @just_geophree:

Unlock 1 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @ElijahLynn

58 active golfers, 139 entries

Solutions by @just_geophree:
#26 - Jeff / @just_geophree

09/13/2014 at 11:16PM