JSON string rotation
Right value strings are misplaced. Just rotate them! I'm too kind with you guys and didn't included "strings with \" in it"!
Start file
{ "name" : "y64zqe0UKLO2w", "id": "Le mal vient à cheval et le bonheur à pied.", "proverb" : "fr", "lang":"http:\/\/foo.com\/good\/id=", "rating": 4.5, "link" : "", "status": {"success":true}, "description": "Happiness and misfortune" }
End file
{ "name" : "Happiness and misfortune", "id": "y64zqe0UKLO2w", "proverb" : "Le mal vient à cheval et le bonheur à pied.", "lang":"fr", "rating": 4.5, "link" : "http:\/\/foo.com\/good\/id=", "status": {"success":true}, "description": "" }
View Diff
2,5c2,5 < "name" : "y64zqe0UKLO2w", < "id": "Le mal vient à cheval et le bonheur à pied.", < "proverb" : "fr", < "lang":"http:\/\/foo.com\/good\/id=", --- > "name" : "Happiness and misfortune", > "id": "y64zqe0UKLO2w", > "proverb" : "Le mal vient à cheval et le bonheur à pied.", > "lang":"fr", 7c7 < "link" : "", --- > "link" : "http:\/\/foo.com\/good\/id=", 9c9 < "description": "Happiness and misfortune" --- > "description": ""
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