remove all lines in first part
From the second part, remove all lines in the first part. It can be useful when you have done something from a long list, you want to know what is not done yet!
Start file
vim = 22 / 7 A simple change Basic renumbering Just the middle Search and Replace 0 That hyphen Space out the alphabet Do you demand a shrubbery? Ugly spreadsheet copy/paste to CSV Sort and add attributes Simple text editing with Vim Don't know what this is Fix the XML Shuffled numbers camel riding Just the middle I forgot quotes A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! Fix the XML Words in parens Basic renumbering Space out the alphabet V to the i Simple text editing with Vim -a-b-c- That hyphen Don't know what this is ASCII box Gray area Where should I put the Newline? Search and Replace 0 Do you demand a shrubbery? Saving the hashes(#) Vertical Limit Separating firstname & lastname Test everything! Sort and add attributes Ugly spreadsheet copy/paste to CSV vim = 22 / 7 Subtraction A simple change you're stuck on jQuery < 1.7 PHP Array Syntax -> MailChimp Merge Syntax
End file
Shuffled numbers camel riding I forgot quotes A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! Words in parens V to the i -a-b-c- ASCII box Gray area Where should I put the Newline? Saving the hashes(#) Vertical Limit Separating firstname & lastname Test everything! Subtraction you're stuck on jQuery < 1.7 PHP Array Syntax -> MailChimp Merge Syntax
View Diff
1,14d0 < vim = 22 / 7 < A simple change < Basic renumbering < Just the middle < Search and Replace 0 < That hyphen < Space out the alphabet < Do you demand a shrubbery? < Ugly spreadsheet copy/paste to CSV < Sort and add attributes < Simple text editing with Vim < Don't know what this is < Fix the XML < 17d2 < Just the middle 20d4 < Fix the XML 22,23d5 < Basic renumbering < Space out the alphabet 25d6 < Simple text editing with Vim 27,28d7 < That hyphen < Don't know what this is 32,33d10 < Search and Replace 0 < Do you demand a shrubbery? 38,40d14 < Sort and add attributes < Ugly spreadsheet copy/paste to CSV < vim = 22 / 7 42d15 < A simple change
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