Line 'em up!
It can be so hard to keep everything neatly lined-up. Somebody clearly hasn't bothered here. Tidy it up, please!
Start file
foo { a => "a", bc => "bc", def => "def", ghij => "ghij", k => "k", lmn => "lmn", opqrst => "opqrst", uvw => "uvw", xyz => "xyz", }
End file
foo { a => "a", bc => "bc", def => "def", ghij => "ghij", k => "k", lmn => "lmn", opqrst => "opqrst", uvw => "uvw", xyz => "xyz", }
View Diff
2,10c2,10 < a => "a", < bc => "bc", < def => "def", < ghij => "ghij", < k => "k", < lmn => "lmn", < opqrst => "opqrst", < uvw => "uvw", < xyz => "xyz", --- > a => "a", > bc => "bc", > def => "def", > ghij => "ghij", > k => "k", > lmn => "lmn", > opqrst => "opqrst", > uvw => "uvw", > xyz => "xyz",
Solutions by @pikjes2:
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