Restore order to the alphabet
The numbers are OK. The letters are wonky.
Start file
0a 1b 2j 3d 4i 5g 6h 7c 8e 9f 10k 11l 12m 13n 14o 15p 16q 17r 18s 19t
End file
0a 1b 2c 3d 4e 5f 6g 7h 8i 9j 10k 11l 12m 13n 14o 15p 16q 17r 18s 19t
View Diff
3c3 < 2j --- > 2c 5,10c5,10 < 4i < 5g < 6h < 7c < 8e < 9f --- > 4e > 5f > 6g > 7h > 8i > 9j
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