Manual SQL
Change select and insert queries to simulate inserting a new record.
Start file
select * from service where user_id = '908' and service_id = (233);
select * from discounts where user_id = '908';
insert into discounts values (null, 0, 908, 1, 233, 'STI-0128862-3', '2015-11-20', '2017-11-20', 0, 900, null, now());
End file
select * from service where user_id = '909' and service_id = (322);
select * from discounts where user_id = '909';
insert into discounts values (null, 0, 909, 2, 322, 'STI-0132580-2', '2015-11-01', '2018-10-01', 0, 136.8, null, now());
View Diff
< select * from service where user_id = '908' and service_id = (233);
< select * from discounts where user_id = '908';
> select * from service where user_id = '909' and service_id = (322);
> select * from discounts where user_id = '909';
< insert into discounts values (null, 0, 908, 1, 233, 'STI-0128862-3', '2015-11-20', '2017-11-20', 0, 900, null, now());
> insert into discounts values (null, 0, 909, 2, 322, 'STI-0132580-2', '2015-11-01', '2018-10-01', 0, 136.8, null, now());
Solutions by @constap:
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