Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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JS notation to Immutable.js notation

Now Immutable.js made its way into many frontends. This challenge consists of a typical refactoring that many of us are facing now.

Start file
lines[1][1] = 'hello'
lines[2][0] = 'world'
lines[3][1] = 'whats'
lines[10][2] = 'going'
lines[12][1] = 'on'
End file
	.setIn([1, 1], 'hello')
	.setIn([2, 0], 'world')
	.setIn([3, 1], 'whats')
	.setIn([10, 2], 'going')
	.setIn([12, 1], 'on')

View Diff

< lines[1][1] = 'hello'
< lines[2][0] = 'world'
< lines[3][1] = 'whats'
< lines[10][2] = 'going'
< lines[12][1] = 'on'
> lines
> 	.setIn([1, 1], 'hello')
> 	.setIn([2, 0], 'world')
> 	.setIn([3, 1], 'whats')
> 	.setIn([10, 2], 'going')
> 	.setIn([12, 1], 'on')

Solutions by @obiwan__k3n00bi:

Unlock 1 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @TimSuchanek

63 active golfers, 186 entries

Solutions by @obiwan__k3n00bi:
#53 - Will / @obiwan__k3n00bi

08/18/2016 at 05:24AM