Format java properties
Format java properties to a different format. The value which is the string following the first '=' cannot & should not change. All periods in the key get replaced with an underscore "_" and get a prefix of "b_".
Start file
# Set a.b a.b=123 x.y.z=xyz.def tini=00.x # Change url to qa url= a.b.c.d.e=twenty
End file
# Set a.b b_a_b=123 b_x_y_z=xyz.def b_tini=00.x # Change url to qa b_url= b_debug_java-options=-Xmx2g b_a_b_c_d_e=twenty
View Diff
2,4c2,4 < a.b=123 < x.y.z=xyz.def < tini=00.x --- > b_a_b=123 > b_x_y_z=xyz.def > b_tini=00.x 6,8c6,8 < url= < < a.b.c.d.e=twenty --- > b_url= > b_debug_java-options=-Xmx2g > b_a_b_c_d_e=twenty
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