Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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Adam's challenge

Change both normal to bold and 4 by 2. Adam Wathan challenge this on twitter . He did it in 11 keystrokes on Sublime.

Start file
    <span class="text-base text-dark wt-normal">
        @icon('line-graph', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-4') ${{ number_format($product->totalRevenue() / 100) }}
    <span class="text-base text-dark wt-normal">
        @icon('users', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-4') {{ $product->totalPurchases() }}
End file
    <span class="text-base text-dark wt-bold">
        @icon('line-graph', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-2') ${{ number_format($product->totalRevenue() / 100) }}
    <span class="text-base text-dark wt-bold">
        @icon('users', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-2') {{ $product->totalPurchases() }}

View Diff

<     <span class="text-base text-dark wt-normal">
<         @icon('line-graph', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-4') ${{ number_format($product->totalRevenue() / 100) }}
>     <span class="text-base text-dark wt-bold">
>         @icon('line-graph', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-2') ${{ number_format($product->totalRevenue() / 100) }}
<     <span class="text-base text-dark wt-normal">
<         @icon('users', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-4') {{ $product->totalPurchases() }}
>     <span class="text-base text-dark wt-bold">
>         @icon('users', 'icon-sm text-dark-faint m-r-2') {{ $product->totalPurchases() }}

Solutions by @JoelMeyerHamme:

Unlock 6 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @TresErresCo

270 active golfers, 984 entries

Solutions by @JoelMeyerHamme:
#30 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:24PM

#>30 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:25PM

#>110 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:22PM

#>146 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:20PM

#>174 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:18PM

#>210 - Joel Meyer-Hamme / @JoelMeyerHamme

06/18/2017 at 02:16PM