Missing Library and a Typo
I forgot to add a c library, please add it for me. Also I'm bad at typing so fix my typo too.
Start file
#define MIN_NUMBER 1
#define MAX_NUMBER 100
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int getGuess(){
int c;
int guess = 0;
while(guess < MIN_NUMBER || guess > MAX_NUMBER){
printf("Guess: ");
scanf("%d", &guess);
while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
return guess;
int main(){
int number = rand()%(MAX_NUMBER-MIN_NUMBER+1)+MIN_NUMBER;
printf("Let's start a game.\n");
printf("I've picked a number between %d and %d\n",MIN_NUMBER,MAX_NUMBER);
printf("Guess what it is and I'll tell you \n");
printf("if it's higher or lower.\n");
printf("You win if you guess it in 7 turns or less\n\n");
int turn;
for(turn = 0; turn < 7; turn++){
int guess = getGuess();
assert(guess>=MIN_NUMBER && guess<=MAX_NUMBER);
if(guess < number){
}else if(guess > number){
if(turn < 7)
printf("\nYou Win!\n");
printf("You Lose the answer was %d.\n", number);
return 0;
// I think I forgot to include the library assetr
End file
#define MIN_NUMBER 1
#define MAX_NUMBER 100
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
int getGuess(){
int c;
int guess = 0;
while(guess < MIN_NUMBER || guess > MAX_NUMBER){
printf("Guess: ");
scanf("%d", &guess);
while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
return guess;
int main(){
int number = rand()%(MAX_NUMBER-MIN_NUMBER+1)+MIN_NUMBER;
printf("Let's start a game.\n");
printf("I've picked a number between %d and %d\n",MIN_NUMBER,MAX_NUMBER);
printf("Guess what it is and I'll tell you \n");
printf("if it's higher or lower.\n");
printf("You win if you guess it in 7 turns or less\n\n");
int turn;
for(turn = 0; turn < 7; turn++){
int guess = getGuess();
assert(guess>=MIN_NUMBER && guess<=MAX_NUMBER);
if(guess < number){
}else if(guess > number){
if(turn < 7)
printf("\nYou Win!\n");
printf("You Lose the answer was %d.\n", number);
return 0;
// I think I forgot to include the library assert
View Diff
> #include <assert.h>
< // I think I forgot to include the library assetr
> // I think I forgot to include the library assert
Solutions by @clupasq:
Unlock 4 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry