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Learn some german verbs

The list needs to be structured so we can print in verbatim and feel ok about how it looks.

Start file
1. sein to be
2. haben to have
3. werden to become
4. können can, to be able to
5. müssen must, to have to
6. sagen to say
7. machen to do, make
8. geben to give
9. kommen to come
10. bestehen to exist, insist, pass (an exam)
End file
sein     - to be
haben    - to have
werden   - to become
können   - can, to be able to
müssen   - must, to have to
sagen    - to say
machen   - to do, make
geben    - to give
kommen   - to come
bestehen - to exist, insist, pass (an exam)

View Diff

< 1. sein to be
< 2. haben to have
< 3. werden to become
< 4. können can, to be able to
< 5. müssen must, to have to
< 6. sagen to say
< 7. machen to do, make
< 8. geben to give
< 9. kommen to come
< 10. bestehen to exist, insist, pass (an exam)
> sein     - to be
> haben    - to have
> werden   - to become
> können   - can, to be able to
> müssen   - must, to have to
> sagen    - to say
> machen   - to do, make
> geben    - to give
> kommen   - to come
> bestehen - to exist, insist, pass (an exam)

Solutions by @pdragy:

Unlock 5 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @rax0m

133 active golfers, 533 entries

Solutions by @pdragy:
#68 - Paul Draghicescu / @pdragy

04/13/2018 at 07:00PM

#>73 - Paul Draghicescu / @pdragy

04/13/2018 at 06:57PM

#>73 - Paul Draghicescu / @pdragy

04/13/2018 at 06:53PM

#>82 - Paul Draghicescu / @pdragy

04/13/2018 at 06:52PM

#>113 - Paul Draghicescu / @pdragy

04/13/2018 at 06:43PM