Simple format (2)
try again!
Start file
a==b equal to
a!=b not equal to
a>b greater than
a>=b greater than or equal to
a<b less than
a<=b less than or equal to
End file
a == b equal to
a != b not equal to
a > b greater than
a >= b greater than or equal to
a < b less than
a <= b less than or equal to
View Diff
< a==b equal to
< a!=b not equal to
< a>b greater than
< a>=b greater than or equal to
< a<b less than
< a<=b less than or equal to
> a == b equal to
> a != b not equal to
> a > b greater than
> a >= b greater than or equal to
> a < b less than
> a <= b less than or equal to
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