Python challenge
Change the types of the variables in the list from str to float, while keeping the truncation.
Start file
a = ['%.3f' % 3.5313423, '%.1f' % 35.66] b = ['%.3f' % 3.90022, '%.1f' % 95.501033] c = ['%.5f' % self.numbers[2]]
End file
a = [round(3.5313423, 3), round(35.66, 1)] b = [round(3.90022, 3), round(95.501033, 1)] c = [round(self.numbers[2], 5)]
View Diff
1,3c1,3 < a = ['%.3f' % 3.5313423, '%.1f' % 35.66] < b = ['%.3f' % 3.90022, '%.1f' % 95.501033] < c = ['%.5f' % self.numbers[2]] --- > a = [round(3.5313423, 3), round(35.66, 1)] > b = [round(3.90022, 3), round(95.501033, 1)] > c = [round(self.numbers[2], 5)]
Solutions by @majo_senf:
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