Cool or not?
abc trying to be cool or not...
Start file
This is abc.
This is also abc.
This abc is cool.
This abc is so cool.
This is a simple abc.
This isn't a cool abc.
This abc is not as cool as used to be.
This abc really is cool.
This abc is not so cool
I finally found a real abc.
End file
This is abc.
This is also abc.
This abcool is cool.
This abcool is so cool.
This is a simple abc.
This isn't a cool abc.
This abc is not as cool as used to be.
This abcool really is cool.
This abc is not so cool
I finally found a real abc.
View Diff
< This abc is cool.
< This abc is so cool.
> This abcool is cool.
> This abcool is so cool.
< This abc really is cool.
> This abcool really is cool.
Solutions by @EricGodhand4826:
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