Reorder the groups
Change the order so that the groups of fruit come before the vegetables.
Start file
# vegetable broccoli spinach carrot - # fruit peach plum - # vegetable potato - # fruit apple banana - # vegetable onion - # fruit watermelon cherry -
End file
# fruit peach plum - # fruit apple banana - # fruit watermelon cherry - # vegetable broccoli spinach carrot - # vegetable potato - # vegetable onion -
View Diff
1,5d0 < # vegetable < broccoli < spinach < carrot < - 10,12d4 < # vegetable < potato < - 17,19d8 < # vegetable < onion < - 22a12,22 > - > # vegetable > broccoli > spinach > carrot > - > # vegetable > potato > - > # vegetable > onion
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