Tables, Functions, Sprocs
In order to load some scripts into my database in the correct order I need to load tables first (t_), then functions (fn_), then stored procedures (sp_). The order of the t_ lines and the order of the sp_ lines should also match. Reorder the lines so they will load correctly.
Start file
sp_zebra t_orangutan t_buffalo sp_walrus fn_weight fn_food sp_lion t_lion sp_buffalo t_walrus fn_sleep t_zebra sp_orangutan
End file
t_buffalo t_lion t_orangutan t_walrus t_zebra fn_food fn_sleep fn_weight sp_buffalo sp_lion sp_orangutan sp_walrus sp_zebra
View Diff
1,2d0 < sp_zebra < t_orangutan 4,7d1 < sp_walrus < fn_weight < fn_food < sp_lion 9c3 < sp_buffalo --- > t_orangutan 11d4 < fn_sleep 12a6,10 > fn_food > fn_sleep > fn_weight > sp_buffalo > sp_lion 13a12,13 > sp_walrus > sp_zebra
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