Back to the Future
We can't just time-travel around without first making sure our code is pretty and columns are aligned. And keeping lines with at most 80 characters should help if we ever need to review the code while we're stuck in the past. This is my first challenge. I tried being creative and even did a bit of research, so I hope you enjoy it.
Start file
#include <TimeTravel.h> // Includes time machine code
#include <DeLorean.h> // Includes DeLorean code
// Defines bool
typedef enum {
} bool;
// Creates objects
TimeTravel TimeMachine; // Tracks power input, allows jumping in time
DeLorean Vehicle; // Manages the storage, display and input of time, tracks
// speed
long TimeDestination = -2682276364; // Destination time, POSIX
long TimePresent = -2682276364; // Present time
long TimeLast = -2682276364; // Last departed time
unsigned float SpeedCurr = 0.0; // Current speed, in miles per hour
unsigned float SpeedTarget = 88.0; // Target speed
unsigned float PowerCurr = 0.0; // Current power, in gigawatts
unsigned float PowerTarget = 1.21; // Target power
loop ()
// Updates local time variables
TimeDestination = Vehicle.getTime (dtime);
TimePresent = Vehicle.getTime (ptime);
TimeLast = Vehicle.getTime (ltime);
// Updates local speed and power variables
SpeedCurr = Vehicle.getSpeed ();
PowerCurr = TimeMachine.getPower ();
// Get ready statuses
bool TMReady = TimeMachine.getReady ();
bool VReady = Vehicle.getReady ();
// Calculates travel time, in seconds
long TimeOffset = TimeDestination - TimePresent;
// Checks speed, power and ready statuses
if (SpeedCurr >= SpeedTarget && PowerCurr >= PowerTarget && TMReady && VReady) {
// Prompts for a time travel of given length, checks if no error returned
if (! (TimeOffset)) {
Vehicle.setTime (ltime, TimePresent); // Updates last time with
// time as of before traveling
Vehicle.setTime (ptime, TimeDestination); // Updates present time with
// time as of after traveling
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
setup ()
// Begin objects, store errors
char errTM = TimeMachine.begin ();
char errV = Vehicle.begin ();
if (!errTM && !errV)
return 0;
return 1;
main ()
// Runs setup, store error
char err = setup ();
// Loops as long as no error
while (!err) {
// Run loop, update error
err = loop ();
return 1;
End file
#include <TimeTravel.h> // Includes time machine code
#include <DeLorean.h> // Includes DeLorean code
// Defines bool
typedef enum {
} bool;
// Creates objects
TimeTravel TimeMachine; // Tracks power input, allows jumping in time
DeLorean Vehicle; // Manages the storage, display and input of time,
// tracks speed
long TimeDestination = -2682276364; // Destination time, POSIX
long TimePresent = -2682276364; // Present time
long TimeLast = -2682276364; // Last departed time
unsigned float SpeedCurr = 0.0; // Current speed, in miles per hour
unsigned float SpeedTarget = 88.0; // Target speed
unsigned float PowerCurr = 0.0; // Current power, in gigawatts
unsigned float PowerTarget = 1.21; // Target power
loop ()
// Updates local time variables
TimeDestination = Vehicle.getTime (dtime);
TimePresent = Vehicle.getTime (ptime);
TimeLast = Vehicle.getTime (ltime);
// Updates local speed and power variables
SpeedCurr = Vehicle.getSpeed ();
PowerCurr = TimeMachine.getPower ();
// Get ready statuses
bool TMReady = TimeMachine.getReady ();
bool VReady = Vehicle.getReady ();
// Calculates travel time, in seconds
long TimeOffset = TimeDestination - TimePresent;
// Checks speed, power and ready statuses
if (SpeedCurr >= SpeedTarget && PowerCurr >= PowerTarget &&
TMReady && VReady) {
// Prompts for a time travel of given length, checks if no
// error returned
if (! (TimeOffset)) {
// Updates last time with time as of before traveling
Vehicle.setTime (ltime, TimePresent);
// Updates present time with time as of after traveling
Vehicle.setTime (ptime, TimeDestination);
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
setup ()
// Begin objects, store errors
char errTM = TimeMachine.begin ();
char errV = Vehicle.begin ();
if (!errTM && !errV)
return 0;
return 1;
main ()
// Runs setup, store error
char err = setup ();
// Loops as long as no error
while (!err) {
// Run loop, update error
err = loop ();
return 1;
View Diff
< #include <DeLorean.h> // Includes DeLorean code
> #include <DeLorean.h> // Includes DeLorean code
< DeLorean Vehicle; // Manages the storage, display and input of time, tracks
< // speed
> DeLorean Vehicle; // Manages the storage, display and input of time,
> // tracks speed
< long TimePresent = -2682276364; // Present time
< long TimeLast = -2682276364; // Last departed time
> long TimePresent = -2682276364; // Present time
> long TimeLast = -2682276364; // Last departed time
< unsigned float SpeedCurr = 0.0; // Current speed, in miles per hour
< unsigned float SpeedTarget = 88.0; // Target speed
> unsigned float SpeedCurr = 0.0; // Current speed, in miles per hour
> unsigned float SpeedTarget = 88.0; // Target speed
< unsigned float PowerCurr = 0.0; // Current power, in gigawatts
< unsigned float PowerTarget = 1.21; // Target power
> unsigned float PowerCurr = 0.0; // Current power, in gigawatts
> unsigned float PowerTarget = 1.21; // Target power
< TimePresent = Vehicle.getTime (ptime);
< TimeLast = Vehicle.getTime (ltime);
> TimePresent = Vehicle.getTime (ptime);
> TimeLast = Vehicle.getTime (ltime);
< bool VReady = Vehicle.getReady ();
> bool VReady = Vehicle.getReady ();
< if (SpeedCurr >= SpeedTarget && PowerCurr >= PowerTarget && TMReady && VReady) {
< // Prompts for a time travel of given length, checks if no error returned
> if (SpeedCurr >= SpeedTarget && PowerCurr >= PowerTarget &&
> TMReady && VReady) {
> // Prompts for a time travel of given length, checks if no
> // error returned
< Vehicle.setTime (ltime, TimePresent); // Updates last time with
< // time as of before traveling
< Vehicle.setTime (ptime, TimeDestination); // Updates present time with
< // time as of after traveling
> // Updates last time with time as of before traveling
> Vehicle.setTime (ltime, TimePresent);
> // Updates present time with time as of after traveling
> Vehicle.setTime (ptime, TimeDestination);
< char errV = Vehicle.begin ();
> char errV = Vehicle.begin ();
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