Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

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C to python code snippet

C code can be easily translated into Python code. However, the difference in syntax can make this process tedious and time-consuming. Can Vim help you here?

Start file
const wc_units_data wc_units_frequency[]=
    {"mHz", 1e-3},
    {"Hz", 1.0},
    {"kHz", 1e3},
    {"MHz", 1e6},
    {"GHz", 1e9},
End file
def wc_units_frequency():
    return {"mHz": 1e-3,
            "Hz": 1.0,
            "kHz": 1e3,
            "MHz": 1e6,
            "GHz": 1e9,
            "NULL": 0}

View Diff

< const wc_units_data wc_units_frequency[]=
< {
<     {"mHz", 1e-3},
<     {"Hz", 1.0},
<     {"kHz", 1e3},
<     {"MHz", 1e6},
<     {"GHz", 1e9},
<     {NULL,0}
< };
> def wc_units_frequency():
>     return {"mHz": 1e-3,
>             "Hz": 1.0,
>             "kHz": 1e3,
>             "MHz": 1e6,
>             "GHz": 1e9,
>             "NULL": 0}

Solutions by @tom_dalling:

Unlock 4 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @Seve_py

30 active golfers, 88 entries

Solutions by @tom_dalling:
#1 - Tom Dalling / @tom_dalling

08/31/2020 at 02:36AM

#>10 - Tom Dalling / @tom_dalling

08/31/2020 at 02:22AM

#>13 - Tom Dalling / @tom_dalling

08/31/2020 at 02:05AM

#>16 - Tom Dalling / @tom_dalling

08/30/2020 at 03:09PM