RUST HTML to maud.
RUST HTML to maud. maud is one of the template engines for server-side rendering based on rust. rusty practice on vimgolf
Start file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>This is title</title>
<h1 class="hello">Hello maud!</h1>
<p id="best" class="truth">Maud is best pony</p>
<div id="beautiful" class="truth">Maud is the most beautiful pony</div>
<span id="adorable" class="truth">Maud is adorable</span>
<p class="anything">Maud is<input id="something" type="text" value="anything"/></p>
End file
html! {
html {
head {
meta charset="UTF-8"
title "This is title"
body {
h1.hello "Hello maud!"
p#best.truth "Maud is best pony"
div#beautiful.truth "Maud is the most beautiful pony"
span#adorable.truth "Maud is adorable"
p.anything {
"Maud is"
input#something type="text" value="anything"
View Diff
< <!DOCTYPE html>
< <html>
< <head>
< <meta charset="UTF-8">
< <title>This is title</title>
< </head>
< <body>
< <h1 class="hello">Hello maud!</h1>
< <p id="best" class="truth">Maud is best pony</p>
< <div id="beautiful" class="truth">Maud is the most beautiful pony</div>
< <br>
< <span id="adorable" class="truth">Maud is adorable</span>
< <br>
< <p class="anything">Maud is<input id="something" type="text" value="anything"/></p>
< </body>
< </html>
> html! {
> html {
> head {
> meta charset="UTF-8"
> title "This is title"
> }
> body {
> h1.hello "Hello maud!"
> p#best.truth "Maud is best pony"
> div#beautiful.truth "Maud is the most beautiful pony"
> br;
> span#adorable.truth "Maud is adorable"
> br;
> p.anything {
> "Maud is"
> input#something type="text" value="anything"
> }
> }
> }
> }
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