Generate a very basic Python constructor
I actually needed to do this myself, so I look forward to learning how.
Start file
def __init__(self, x, y, z, rotation, color, bounciness, walking_speed, running_speed, health, defense, age, type1, type2):
End file
def __init__(self, x, y, z, rotation, color, bounciness, walking_speed, running_speed, health, defense, age, type1, type2): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.rotation = rotation self.color = color self.bounciness = bounciness self.walking_speed = walking_speed self.running_speed = running_speed = health self.defense = defense self.age = age self.type1 = type1 self.type2 = type2
View Diff
1a2,14 > self.x = x > self.y = y > self.z = z > self.rotation = rotation > self.color = color > self.bounciness = bounciness > self.walking_speed = walking_speed > self.running_speed = running_speed > = health > self.defense = defense > self.age = age > self.type1 = type1 > self.type2 = type2
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