Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke - do you?

Pick a challenge, fire up Vim, and show us what you got.

Changelog, Rules & FAQ, updates: @vimgolf, RSS.

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$ gem install vimgolf
$ vimgolf setup
$ vimgolf put 60340000c06738000924d803

Inverting Lines

A simple challenge to invert all lines, except the first.

Start file
Heres the thing about Vim.
Ex mode too, and its magic!
Ex commands, there be dragons!
Until you realize it can help you be more efficient.
Learning about regexes sounds boring,
End file
Heres the thing about Vim.
Learning about regexes sounds boring,
Until you realize it can help you be more efficient.
Ex commands, there be dragons!
Ex mode too, and its magic!

View Diff

< Ex mode too, and its magic!
< Ex commands, there be dragons!
< Until you realize it can help you be more efficient.
> Until you realize it can help you be more efficient.
> Ex commands, there be dragons!
> Ex mode too, and its magic!

Solutions by @ddankcity:

Unlock 6 remaining solutions by signing in and submitting your own entry
Created by: @iviarcio

511 active golfers, 1900 entries

Solutions by @ddankcity:
#344 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:26PM

#>370 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:25PM

#>388 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:25PM

#>405 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:24PM

#>477 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:20PM

#>499 - Dank City / @ddankcity

12/08/2022 at 06:18PM