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Write Hello World in the 'i use arch btw' -programming language

> "I use Arch btw" is an esoteric programming language based on Brainfuck in which the Brainfuck commands have been replaced with the following keywords: i, use, arch, linux, btw, by, the, way.

Start file
; Example program that prints "Hello, World!"

End file
; Example program that prints "Hello, World!"

linux the linux linux linux linux linux linux linux i arch use way i linux btw
linux the linux i arch arch arch arch arch use way i arch arch btw arch arch
arch arch arch arch arch btw btw arch arch arch btw the linux i arch arch arch
arch arch use way i arch btw linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux
linux linux linux linux btw linux linux linux the linux i arch arch arch use way
i btw linux the linux linux linux i arch use way i linux linux linux btw arch
arch arch btw linux linux linux linux linux linux btw linux linux linux linux
linux linux linux linux btw linux the linux linux linux i arch use way i btw
the linux linux linux i arch use way i linux btw

View Diff

> linux the linux linux linux linux linux linux linux i arch use way i linux btw
> linux the linux i arch arch arch arch arch use way i arch arch btw arch arch
> arch arch arch arch arch btw btw arch arch arch btw the linux i arch arch arch
> arch arch use way i arch btw linux linux linux linux linux linux linux linux
> linux linux linux linux btw linux linux linux the linux i arch arch arch use way
> i btw linux the linux linux linux i arch use way i linux linux linux btw arch
> arch arch btw linux linux linux linux linux linux btw linux linux linux linux
> linux linux linux linux btw linux the linux linux linux i arch use way i btw
> the linux linux linux i arch use way i linux btw

Solutions by @tien40766111:

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Created by: @tuure_p

16 active golfers, 31 entries

Solutions by @tien40766111:
#8 - tien / @tien40766111

11/23/2023 at 04:02PM